digital art – NFTs – metaverse – marketplaces – inspection – #1


creation: digital art / NFTs / metaverse / marketplaces
content: YUGA LABS TwelveFold Project / PLAY!POP!GO! metaverse / Fvckrenders LVCIDIA x ARTIFEX metaverse / ZORA marketplace for creatives / ESCHER fine art marketplace
date: 02.04.2023 / update: 03.04.2023 / 06.04.2023


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digitale Kunst – NFTs – Metaverse – Marktplätze – Inspektion – #1


kreation: digitale Kunst / NFTs / Metaverse / Markplätze
content: YUGA LABS TwelveFold Project / PLAY!POP!GO! Metaverse / Fvckrenders LVCIDIA x ARTIFEX Metaverse / ZORA Marktplatz für Kreative / ESCHER fine art Marktplatz
date: 02.04.2023 / update: 03.04.2023 / 06.04.2023


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NFT FAVORITE ARTWORK – spring session

genre: artwork / NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: new selections coming soon
date: 01.03.2023 / update 03.04.2023


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genre: artwork / NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: AS DREAMS ARE BORN by artist Eszter Lakatos
artwork: NEVER ALONE by Drunkenberger.eth
artwork: RESURRECTION – X by artist Craulin.eth
artwork: THE AI WRITER by artist CrChazz Gold
artwork: ART MACHINE by artist SrRAKE
artwork: CODE WEATHER (Playboy Edition) by artist HouseOfDorsey
artwork: TO THE MOON by artist Chirayu Joshi


Continue reading „NFT FAVORITE ARTWORKS – WEEK 6“



genre: artwork / NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: OPEN CANVAS by artist StreetBeast
artwork: CLOCKWORK by artist Stuz0r
artwork: n.n. by artist ZANOZA
artwork: VANDEA by artist HANNES HUMMEL @hanneshummel
artwork: INSTRUMENT OF VICE II by artist Connie Bakshi @conniebakshi
artwork: BEARY ODD FRIENDS #38 by artist LSD Gummy Bears


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genre: NFTs / artwork / NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: THE CLONE POD by artist tonylopezmedia.eth
artwork: XX by Roman Gutikov
artwork: 80s BABY by artist deriniti
artwork: LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS (ONLINE) by artist abdllhart
artwork: HEAVY THOUGHTS by artist Manfredi Caracciolo



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genre: NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: N.N. by artist drømsjel @DMsjel
artwork: MOST WANTED by Exolorian / Shaun @exolorian
artwork: IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE by artist SHE @sheisfemininity
artwork: GROTESQUE by artist ItsBB.eth @ItsBB7
artwork: CHOKEHOLD by artist Jason Ebeyer @jasonebeyer
artwork: AMY by artist DRΞAMΞR @onurfalconn
artwork: DASHA by artist Razil @razilone


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genre: NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: MASK by artist Unrealistic
artwork: FRAGMENT and ANECDOTE by artist M.REZA
artwork: SILENCE by artist WoszczynaWiesnowski
artwork: IMMA BIRD by artist IZZZI SR
artwork: BLOSSOM ERA by artist Selene
artwork: CONTROVERSIAL RED by artist Crisstiana


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NFT favorite artworks – week 1

genre: NFTart / cryptoart / digital art
artwork: TRUCK STOP LOUVRE by artist aqueous
artwork: WINTER by artist Frozen
artwork: PIECES OF US by artist HouseOfDorsey
artwork: BLANC CANVAS by artist 0xdgb
artwork: KEEPERS by artist Luis Ponce
artwork: ECDYSIS by artist Beryl
artwork: WONDERLAND by artist Xéniia

Continue reading „NFT favorite artworks – week 1“

VAN HAM – cologne – NFTauction – virtually real – NFT-workshop – TWITTER space

creation: NFTs

workshop: 24.11.2022 um 16.00 Uhr

space: TWITTER 25.11.2022 um 18.00 Uhr

auction: NFT-Auktion „Virtually Real“ 30.11.2022 ab 10.30 Uhr

status: 24.11.2022


VAN HAM macht NFTs greifbar

Diese Headline ist nicht von mir, sondern stammt direkt aus der VAN HAM Pressemitteilung. Ich tat mich schwer – ein Jahr bewege ich mich jetzt schon im NFTspace . . . in der Crypto Community . . . die letzten 2 Monate haben mich eher frustriert – der Markt – die Protagonisten – die PFPs (Profile Pictures) die den Space dominieren, die ständige Bevorzugung von denen, die eh schon abgesahnt haben . . . ABER eigentlich ging es mir immer um künstlerische Werke, um die Chance Kreation direkt anbieten und verkaufen zu können, um die Chance, dass Künstler „creator fees“ / „royalties“ bekommen, wann immer ihre Werke weiterverkauft werden, um digitale Werke (screen is the new canvas), um Dezentralisierung ohne Dominatoren wie Elon Musk und Mark Zuckerberg . . . immer noch alles gute Ansätze! Die Blockchain – dApps (decentralized apps) . . . Also, was hat das mit den VAN HAM Veranstaltungen um NFTs zu tun . . ? NICHTS ! Also LEARN about BLOCKCHAIN und WEB3 und am wichtigsten ENJOY contemporary ART !!!

Let´s go on:

„Virtually Real“ eine NFT-Gruppenauktion präsentiert von VAN HAM am 30. November 2022 im Rahmen der Modern Week.

Es werden NFTs versteigert von:

Banz & Bowinkel, CROSSLUCID, Damjanski, Gretta Louw, Jonas Lund, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Martina Menegon, Sabrina Ratté, Nicole Ruggiero und UBERMORGEN. Zudem Tim Berresheim, Johannes Bendzulla, Olaf Breuning und Johanna Reich.


Es wurden zudem interessante Videos zu einzelnen Künstlern produziert:

NFT Auktion „Virtually Real“ – Part 1 mit Tim Berresheim, Jonas Lund & Nicole Ruggiero.

NFT Auktion „Virtually Real“ – Part 2 mit Martina Menegon, Crosslucid & Johanna Reich.

NFT Auktion „Virtually Real“ – Part 3 mit Ubermorgen und Banz & Bowinkel


Dazu auch der Katalog „Contemporary“ innnerhalb dieser Selektion auch die NDTs zur Versteigerung kommen:

Es gibt bei VAN HAM aber noch mehr zum Thema NFTs. Ein NFT Workshop in Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer Blockchain-Labor.

Mehr Infos und Anmeldung (zur Teilnahme über ZOOM noch offen):


Dann geht es am 25.11.2022 um 18.00 Uhr weiter mit einem TWITTER-Space

Moderiert von Alex Estorick (Right Click Save) zum Thema NFTs – mit Fernanda Parente, Markus Eisenbeis, Banz & Bowinkel, CROSSLUCID, Damjanski, Gretta Louw, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Nicole Ruggiero und UBERMORGEN

no5145 – pic of the day – by STSchwanitz – photographic NFTartwork

creation: no5145
photographer: STSchwanitz
minted: 2022/11/02
model: Pauline
location: studio in Hamburg


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W1 CURATES presents DISRUPTION – 33NFT – Cozomo de‘ Medici – until OCT 20th – LONDON – inspiration

creation: digital art – #cryptoart – #NFTart
subject: #NFTcollections by 33NFT and The Medici Collection
exhibition: DISRUPTION
location: W1 CURATES – London
timing: until 20th October 2022


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good news – CHRISTIES own NFT marketplace – first auction with artwork by Diana Sinclair

kreation: NFTs / NFTart / cryptoart / auktion

artist: Diana Sinclair

inhalt: CHRISTIE´S 3.0 / eigener NFT Marktplatz / Inaugural Sale

stand: 29.09.2022

location: NFTspace


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artwork – the playboy ist not at home – photographic painting series by SCHWANITZKI – 1of1 NFT minted – surreal inspiration

series: the playboy is not at home
artwork: code silver / code white
format: 8K 7680x4320px PNG – ready for print and screen
style: photographic paintings
genre: surreal
minted: 13.09.2022 / 17.09.2022 ETH NFT at RARIBLE
contact: schwanitzki AT schwanitzki DOT de
based in: Europe


. . . stop making sense . . . was the inspiration and for sure also the TATE MODERN exhibition ( for the first two THE PLAYBOY IS NOT AT HOME artworks.

I was searching for something surrealistic in my mind . . . something to escape the bear market realistic world.

This was the creative challenge behind the new series. I hope that I can invite the recipient on a trip to a metaverse where all dreams come true.

Sale starts tomorrow SUNDAY 18.09.2022 – 18.00 CET – 12.00 AM ET – 0.09 ETH at RARIBLE.



Special thanx to:

Model: ColdAsIce
Model: Catalina represented by HORIZON DOLLS
Model: Renegade Sci-Fi 08 represented by Bugrimov Maksim Characters

newsflash 29/52 – NFTart – cryptoart – metaverse – crypto community – inspiration

creation: NFTs / NFTart / cryptoart / metaverse
content: metaverse LVCIDIA ROUGE// challenge / favorite NFTart
date: 27.07.2022


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newsflash 28/52 – NFTart – cryptoart – metaverse – crypto community – inspiration

creation: NFTs / NFTart / cryptoart / metaverse / NFTart of the week
content: Trevor Jones’ CryptoArt Event / metaverse LVCIDIA ROUGE// challenge / vocabulary for beginners / web3 Gary Vaynerchuk VAYNERNFT becomes VAYNER3 /
date: 18.07.2022 update 1: 18.07.2022 – 23:45: CHRISTIE´S and web3 update 2: FVCK_MONDAY space recording


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newsflash 27/52 – NFTart – cryptoart – metaverse – crypto community – inspiration

kreation: NFTs / NFTart / cryptoart / metaverse / Artwork „Organic Dreams“ by Annibale Siconolfi
inhalt: Metaverse Vitalik Buterin and SBTs (Soulbound Tokens) / CHRISTIES auction TRESPASSING
stand: 11.07.2022


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